
Deadline for Show Entries forms:

12.00 on 15th August

Deadline for Dog Show Entries forms:

18.00 on 16th August

Staging of Exhibits:

19.00 - 20.00 on Friday 16th August
9.00 - 10.30 on Saturday 17th August

Village Show Judging:

10.30 - 12.30 on Saturday 17th August

The All Saints and New Methodist halls are closed to the public during judging.
During this time, the Coffee on the Green will be open in the old Methodist Hall from 10.00.

Exhibition halls open to the public for viewing:

12.30 – 16.30 on Saturday 17th August

Ebor Brass Band Playing on the Green

12.30 – 16.00 on Saturday 17th August

The Dog Show (taking place on the Green):

From 13.00 on Saturday 17th August

Enchanting Entertainments Singing and Dancing(taking place by the Maypole):

14.30 approximately on Saturday 17th August

Weighing of the Carrot and Spud entries (taking place on the Green):

From 13.30 on Saturday 17th August

The Village Show raffle and the awarding of show prizes (taking place in the new Methodist Hall):

16.15 on Saturday 17th August